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February 26, 2025 @ 10:32 AM

Happy Wednesday. You know what that means? It's time... for another blog post!

Don't have a whole lot to report. I am nearing completion of my next coding project but I am hitting a performance block. I guess shared hosts aren't really the best when it comes to performance and multi-user applications, go figure.

Coding Project

Debating on what my next move should be, because on one end I do not want to spend a ton of money on a vps or dedicated host but the performance issues I am getting on shared are too noticeable to go ignored. So I am weighing my options with it, along with what name and domain I should give it. Knowing me, i'll probably start with a vps and hope for the best, since Namecheap VPS is not that expensive but it's going to take quite a bit of work to migrate it over. Hopefully I can do that before the launch Saturday. I'll post an update here when it launches.

At any rate, the coding project is 90% complete. All that is left is admin and staff-related actions. All actions a normal user would make are done, to my knowledge. After that, it's just bug fixes, tweaks and new features. It is my most ambitious coding project to date so I am really excited to show it.

Other stuff

Still busy with work. Everyone's busy with something right now. I might pick up streaming again, soon. Also need to start cracking at that YouTube video for April. Not a whole lot needs to be done to get it ready but I'd rather get it started and on my plate instead of putting it off.

Didn't do a lot of music work this past week, still trying to figure out the WIPs I uploaded last week.

Okay, bye.