This is awkward
Welcome to the new website!
Truthfully, I have had this setup for a few months now but only got around to actually swapping the files now.
I plan to use this as a place to aggregate all of my content across the many social media pages I have to make it easier to see everything that I am up to. If you are interested in what I I have to offer, please browse around.
I will be slowly uploading my back-catalog of stuff so please be patient while I do that. I do want to emphasize the slowly part, the internet at work is not very good and there's a lot to upload.
As for what I am doing... well, not a whole lot beyond work and relaxing. Working on various coding project to keep my programming skills in check (this site is one of them), working on an IRL streaming server I might use later this year? It was really nice to finally release It's a Date after working on it for over 3 years, I do have some new stuff cooking but nothing ready for release, yet. Sadly, do not have any videos on the horizon. Might do a 5 year anniversary video for an older video, rereleasing some stuff and redoing other stuff. Man, work has been very busy so finding spare time where I am not falling asleep at my desk is hard. The creative juices for making videos I used to have aren't around anymore, which is sad. Only recently got my streaming setup to work reliably, especially after the mess that was the xmas stream a few months ago, so maybe I will get back into streaming? I have goals but no ideas to help the goals, it's frustrating.
Anyway, that's what's up with me. I do plan to release more blog posts on here talking about what I am up to since I don't post much anywhere else. Feel free to also follow my personal Twitter for other random posts like this.
Anyway, bye.